All Categories Features & Settings How do i enable customers to submit photos with their reviews?

How do i enable customers to submit photos with their reviews?

You may import reviews or allow your customers to add their own feedback using the "write a review" form on your store product page.

This form has an option to upload images in addition to the review content,

To enable this option, you must register an account on a cloud hosting service called

Follow the steps below:

1. Click here to Register an account on (image cloud service)

2. Log in to your Editorify dashboard account, click on "Write a review form" and turn on the "Upload image" switch.

write a review form

3 Copy both API keys from the account and paste them into the Editorify dashboard. cloud host

4. click save and you're done, the "upload image" option, will be added to the form.

*Important: we do not store any of the images/photos on our servers, we give you the ability to open an account with and all the images will be stored in your account, offers a free plan with limited monthly bandwidth if you pass any of these you will need to upgrade your account.

Click here to check the pricing plans

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