All Categories Features & Settings How to use the Filter & Blacklist feature?

How to use the Filter & Blacklist feature?

You can use Editorify to filter out bad reviews and blacklist certain keywords,

Follow the guide below to use these features:

  1. Log in to the Editorify Admin Dashboard

  2. Select the "Filter & Automation" from the side menu

filter and automation

  1. On this page, you can decide which reviews you want to display and which to hide.

  • Rating to display
    You can set minimum rating to display, for example display only 4 stars and 5 stars reviews.

    review rating to display

  • Blacklist keywords
    For example, if you add the "Aliexpress" keyword, it will hide any reviews which contain the keyword "Aliexpress".

    blacklist keywords

  • Show only reviews from selected countries
    For example, you can show only reviews from the united states or any other country.

    country filter

  • Show only reviews with photos
    Reviews with images seem more trustworthy and they are more converting.

  • Hide Duplicate reviews
    By default, we recommended turning on this feature.

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