All Categories Getting Started How to collect reviews from my customers?

How to collect reviews from my customers?

When you install the Editorify app, the "write a review" button/form will be added to your product pages, and customers will be able to leave their feedbacks.

Follow the guide below to activate and customize this form

  1. Visit Your Store URL

  2. Go to a product page; scroll down, and check if you see the "Write a review" button. (screenshot below)


  1. By default, your customer reviews will be approved and added automatically.
    If you want to manually approve reviews before publishing them on your site, visit the "Editorify dashboard", click the "write a review form" and turn on the option "Automatically approve new reviews" (screenshot below)

    automatically approve reviews

If you have issues displaying the "write a review" section on your website, make sure the "form widget" is activated (screenshot above), or contact us and we will be happy to help you with it.  

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