All Categories Getting Started How to display reviews on your product page ?

How to display reviews on your product page ?

Please make sure you have installed The Editorify app in your store.  

On most themes (templates) our app will automatically display the reviews at the bottom of your product page, but in some cases you will need to inject the code manually. 

If you can't see the reviews or you wish to move the reviews to another part of your product page, follow the guide below:

  1. Go to your Online store -> Themes -> Find the Theme that you want to add code -> Action -> Edit Code.

  2. Open product.liquid file in Templates or product-template.liquid file in Sections folder then copy the code below and paste it at the bottom of the code file:

<div data-reviews="{{product.metafields.editorify_app.product_reviews | escape }}" data-store="{{shop.metafields.editorify_settings.all_settings_data | escape }}" id="editorify_reviews_section">
<editorify_reviews :store="store" :reviews_count="reviews_count" :rate_stars="rate_stars" :reviews_star_counts="reviews_star_counts" :reviews="reviews" :half_checked="half_checked" :total_rate="total_rate" :count_rate="count_rate">


Need help to place the code? click here to contact us

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