All Categories Getting Started How to show stars rating under the product title in collection page?

How to show stars rating under the product title in collection page?

If you want to show the average stars rate below your product title on the collection page please follow the steps below:

1. Login to your Shopify admin > Online Store > Themes > Current theme > Actions > Edit code


2. To inject the Stars rating to the Collection page you need to find the exact file to inject the code, each theme has different name file for it,  Open product-card-grid.liquid or product-card.liquid or product-grid-item.liquid or product-thumbnail.liquid or product-info.liquid file in Snippets and search for:

{{ product.title }}

3. Copy the code below and paste it below the  {{ product.title }}

{% include 'editorify_widget', collection_page:true %}


If you don't know how to add these codes, please feel free to contact us and we will help you with the process. Click here to Contact Us

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