All Categories General Questions How reviews popups are going to increase sales in your Shopify store?

How reviews popups are going to increase sales in your Shopify store?

Popups are a fast and efficient way to communicate with your audience, they can help you send real-time updates and reminders that get your audience to regularly engage with your brand.

There are quite a few popup notifications apps out there that let you leverage and automate social proof for your business, Popify is the one we recommend for maximizing the conversions in your store. 

Popify let you send real-time notifications (updates, reminders, customer reviews, special offers, suggested products & more) that get your audience to regularly engage with your brand. It has a full integration with Editorify, so you can create reviews popups notifications in less than a minute. 


Check the video below on how to create a perfect product page with social proof by importing reviews using the Editorify app and popup designed notifications with the Popify app.

Click here to Try Popify For Free!

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