How to change plan?

To change your plan (upgrade/downgrade), follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to the Editorify dashboard

  2. Select the "Plans" from the side menu

  3. Pick a plan and subscribe to it.


We offer multiple plans to choose from:

Free plan - Collect 50 reviews Max from your customers.

Premium plan 9.95/m - Collect & import unlimited reviews, import reviews from Aliexpress & other sources.

Gold plan 14.95/m - Premium plan features & Create a happy customer page. 

Diamond Plan 24.95 - Gold plan features & Collect video reviews from your customers. (currently, this plan is available on Shopify)

While the free plan is a great way to build trust in your store, Here are a few reasons why you should start using the Editorify premium plan.

  • Add video to your product page - If a picture is worth a thousand words, a product video could very well be worth a thousand sales, with Editorify you can easily add videos from Youtube, Vimeo, Aliexpress, Amazon to your Store product page, this feature will dramatically change the conversion rate in your store, watch this video to see how easily you can add a video with Editorify.

Import Unlimited Reviews from Top e-commerce websites: With the free plan you are limited to import 50 reviews. With The Premium plan, you have the ability to import unlimited reviews from Aliexpress, Alibaba, Etsy, Dhgate, Taobao, Wish, Banggood, Gearbest, Walmart, 1688, Shein, Overstock.

  • Pagination - With pagination separate the reviews into pages and decide how many reviews you want to have on each page.

  • Star Filter & Blacklist keywords - Time is money, what if you could add as many reviews as you can without checking them 1 by 1, instead start using Filters & Blacklist keywords to show only the relevant reviews to your customer audience, Check out this video

  • Grid View - Grid view is for the standing. It's for the restless and curious. Your attention goes from one topic or image to the next and you never want to linger in one spot for too long, wanna know what the Editorify grid view design looks like? 


  • Edit reviews directly from the extension - with the Editorify paid plan you can edit your reviews directly from the extension (correct spelling, change dates, etc...)

  • Powered by Editorify LogoPowered by editorify logo will be gone when you upgraded to a paid plan. 

And that's only part of the features we offer for our paid subscribers


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