After installing the Editorify app, it will automatically display the customer reviews on your product page. If you can't see the reviews it's because your theme is customised or it is not supported yet to work automatically. follow the tutorials below in order to inject the code manually.
There are 4 snippet codes that you can inject to your theme,
Review comments, Star rating on product page, Star rating on collection page, Happy customer page
Review Comments
Go to your Online store -> Themes -> Find the Theme that you want to add code -> Action -> Edit Code.
Open product.liquid file in Templates file in Sections folder then copy the code below and paste it right after this code {% section 'product-template' %} (check the image below)
{% include 'editorify_widget' %}
Star Rating on Product Page (below product title)
Go to your Online store -> Themes -> Find the Theme that you want to add code -> Action -> Edit Code.
Open product-template.liquid or product.liquid file in Sections folder then search:
{{ product.title }}
3. Copy the code below and paste it below the {{ product.title }}
{% include 'editorify_widget', bellow_title:true %}
Star Rating on Collection Page
Go to your Online store -> Themes -> Find the Theme that you want to add code -> Action -> Edit Code.
To inject the Stars rating to the Collection page you need to find the exact file to inject the code, each theme has different name file for it, Open product-card-grid.liquid or product-card.liquid or product-grid-item.liquid or product-thumbnail.liquid or product-info.liquid file in Snippets and search for:
{{ product.title }}
3. Copy the code below and paste it below the {{ product.title }}
{% include 'editorify_widget', collection_page:true %}
Happy Customer Page (for gold subscribers only)
Go to your Online store -> Themes -> Find the Theme that you want to add code -> Action -> Edit Code.
Open Page.liquid file in Templates section folder then copy the code below and paste it same as we show in the image below.
{% include 'editorify_widget', custom_page:true %}